четвер, 10 грудня 2015 р.

План-конспект уроку "The weather report" 5 клас

The Weather Report?
Цілі уроку:
Практичні: опрацювати та автоматизувати дії учнів з лексичними одиницями по темі “Weather” та повторити граматичний матеріал: вживання some, any, a, an.
 Освітні: розширювати кругозір учнів,формувати знання про довкілля, гарне ставлення до природи, підвищувати загальну культуру учнів.
Розвиваючі: розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух учнів, пізнавальні здібності: увагу, сприймання, пам’ять учнів, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, здатність до здогадки (мовної, контекстуальної, ситуативної); розвивати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення учнів.
 Виховні: виховувати культуру спілкування; повагу до співрозмовника, культуру поведінки учнів, ввічливість, спостережливість, допитливість.
 Засоби навчання: Підручник, фотографії явищ природи, прапорці різних країн,   картки з завданнями.
Хід уроку
Організаційний момент:
     а) привітання;
     b) оголошення мети та цілей уроку.
     T: At this lesson we are going to discuss weather in Ukraine, Britain and some other
     countries, we’ll review and train vocabulary on the topic weather. So, the theme of our today’s lesson is “The Weather?” 

Фонетична розминка:
      1).T: Let’s start our lesson with singing a song.  

What’s the weather, what’s the weather
                                                 Like today, like today?
                                                 Look outside the window.
                                                 Look outside the window.
                                                 Can you say?
                                                 Can you say?
                                                 It’s a sunny, it’s a sunny, sunny day, sunny day.
                                                 Go out in the sunshine.
                                                 Go out in the sunshine.
                                                 Play, play, play, play, play, play.
                                                 What’s the weather, what’s the weather
                                                 Like today, like today?
                                                 Look outside the window.
                                                 Look outside the window.
                                                 Can you say?
                                                 Can you say?

        2). T: Do you remember words which we can use to describe the weather?
        Ps: cloudy, cloud, fog, foggy, hot, icy, rainy, snowy, sunny, warm, wet, windy…

Опрацювання лексичних одиниць:
1. Лексична гра: “Catch the word”
        T: I’ll show you a picture and your task will be to look at the picture and name it.
I need a person to help me. Let’s start!
        Ps: cloudy, cloud, fog, foggy, hot, icy, rainy, snowy, sunny, warm, wet, windy…

Діалогічне мовлення:
        T: Tell me please how’s the weather today?
        P1. The weather is sunny.
        P2. The weather is warm.
        T: Well, and now ask your neighbor about today’s weather. 
        P1: - What is the weather like today?
-        It is warm and sunny.
-        Is it windy today?
-        No/Yes it is (n’t).
-        Do you like today’s weather?
-        Yes, I do. I like spring weather. / No, I don’t. I like winter weather.

             T: And now it’s time to listen to The World Wide Weather Report. Please, be attentive while listening and be ready to name the countries which will be mentioned and answer the questions about the weather in them.
Listening “The World Wide Weather Report”.
             T: Is everything clear? Can somebody help me to show the flags and ask about the weather?
             P1: What is the weather? How’s the weather in it?
             P2: Canada. It’s snowy in Canada.
             P3: Mexico. It’s sunny in Mexico.
             P4: England. It’s foggy in England.
             P5: France. It’s rainy in France.
             P6: Russia. It’s cold in Russia.
             P7: Australia. It’s hot in Australia.
             P8: Japan. It’s cloudy in Japan.

Фізкульт хвилинка: Are you tired? – No! - But, now it’s time for a well-earned rest.
             Let’s sing a weather song: “How’s the Weather?”
Weather – Use the American Sign Language song for weather: make a ”W” with the three middle fingers on each hand and then twist them back and forth.
-        Sunny – Make a big circle over your head with your arms.
-        Rainy – Wiggle your fingers down in front of you, simulating rain.
-        Cloudy – Squeeze two imaginary pillows above your head.
-        Snowy – Move your hands down in front of you in a slow, wavy motion.

How’s the weather?
How’s the weather?
How’s the weather today?
Is it sunny?
Is it rainy?
Is it cloudy?
Is it snowy?
How’s the weather today?
Монологічне мовлення:
             T:Well, some of your classmates prepared their own British Weather Report.
             Let’s listen to it and match the places with the weather. Take blue cards from
             the boxes on your desks and be ready to listen and to complete the matching
             P1: And now a look at today’s weather. Up in Scotland, well, it’s bad today.
             It’s cold and snowy, yes, snowy and icy in Scotland today. And in the North
             East, well, it’s bad there too. It’s very cold and windy and rainy, not very good.
             Cold, rainy, windy, up there in the North East.!

              P2: In the North West, it’s okay. It’s rainy but it is warm there. Mm, warm and
              rainy in the North West. Over in Wales, well, it’s not very nice. It’s very wet,
              and it’s foggy too. Yes, foggy and wet this morning in Wales.
              P3: The Midlands now, well the Midlands, it’s okay, quite warm at the
              moment, but a bit cloudy. And, er, good news in the South East, it’s lovely. A
              lovely sunny morning here in the South East!

Exercise: Match the places with the weather.
1)Scotland                         (c)                 a) cold, rainy and windy East
2) North East                    (a)                 b) foggy and wet
3) North West                   (d)                 c) cold, snowy and icy
4) Wales                            (b)                 d) warm and rainy
5) Midland                         (f)                 e) hot and sunny
6) South East                     (e)                 f) warm but cloudy        

Повторення граматики:
Exercise 2 p.150: Write down questions and start them with the words in brackets.

Домашнє завдання:
         T: Your home task will be to prepare a weather report for tomorrow.

Підсумок уроку:  Do you like our lesson today?
                               What is the weather like today?
                                Is it cold/ warm/ sunny today?
                                Do you like the weather?

 Виставлення оцінок: I’m greatly satisfied with your work. Thank you very much! Your marks are…

- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.
- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.
- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-          Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.
- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-          Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.
- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-          Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.
- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-          Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.

- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-          Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.
- What is the weather like today?/ How’s the weather today
-          It is cold and frosty.
-          Is it sunny today?
-          No/Yes it is (n’t).
-          Do you like the weather today?
-          Yes, I do. I like winter weather. / No, I don’t. I like warm weather.

Match the places with the weather.
1).Scotland                    a) cold, rainy and windy
2). North East             b) foggy and wet
3). North West            c) cold, snowy and icy
4). Wales                     d) warm and rainy
5). Midland                 e) hot and sunny
6). South East             f) warm but cloudy 

Match the places with the weather.
1).Scotland                    a) cold, rainy and windy
2). North East             b) foggy and wet
3). North West            c) cold, snowy and icy
4). Wales                     d) warm and rainy
5). Midland                 e) hot and sunny
6). South East             f) warm but cloudy 

Match the places with the weather.
1).Scotland                    a) cold, rainy and windy
2). North East             b) foggy and wet
3). North West            c) cold, snowy and icy
4). Wales                     d) warm and rainy
5). Midland                 e) hot and sunny
6). South East             f) warm but cloudy 

Match the places with the weather.
1).Scotland                    a) cold, rainy and windy
2). North East             b) foggy and wet
3). North West            c) cold, snowy and icy
4). Wales                     d) warm and rainy
5). Midland                 e) hot and sunny
6). South East             f) warm but cloudy 

Match the places with the weather.
1).Scotland                    a) cold, rainy and windy
2). North East             b) foggy and wet
3). North West            c) cold, snowy and icy
4). Wales                     d) warm and rainy
5). Midland                 e) hot and sunny
6). South East             f) warm but cloudy 

Match the places with the weather.
1).Scotland                    a) cold, rainy and windy
2). North East             b) foggy and wet
3). North West            c) cold, snowy and icy
4). Wales                     d) warm and rainy
5). Midland                 e) hot and sunny
6). South East             f) warm but cloudy 

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