четвер, 10 грудня 2015 р.

Canada Урок 11 клас

План-конспект уроку англійської мови у 11 класі
Тема уроку:  “Facts about Canada: History, geography and Culture”
 Цілі уроку:
¾   Практична:

1.    Вивчити новий  матеріал, заохочуючи учнів до креативного спілкування.
2.    Відпрацювати вживання змішаного типу умовних речень.
3.    Вдосконалювати навички учнів в спонтанному говорінні, читанні та  письмі.

¾   Освітня:
1. Заохочувати інтерес учнів до історії культури англомовних країн. Ознайомити з історією, географією та культурою Канади.

¾   Розвиваюча:

1.    Розвивати мовну і слухову пам’ять в учнів; вміння висловлювати свою думку  за  темою, розвивати письмо та читання.
¾   Виховна:
1.    Виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до протилежних точок зору та до інших країн світу.
Обладнання уроку: підручник,  роздатковий матеріал, наочність, презентація, карта світу, фотокартки.

Схематичний план уроку
1.    Початок уроку. Організація класу.
2.    Відповіді на запитання вчителя.
3.    Повідомлення нової теми.
4.    Перегляд відео.
5.    Введення нового лексичного матеріалу.
6.    Читання тексту з використанням карти світу.
7.    Виконання післятекстових вправ.
8.    Оголошення домашнього завдання.
9.    Підсумки  уроку.

Хід уроку

Зміст роботи
Етап 1.
Початок уроку. Організація класу
T: Good morning, pupils.
 I’m glad to see you.  I hope you are fine today and you will be active, energetic and creative at the lesson. So, let’s start!

T: Before we start our new topic, answer the questions:
     a)What foreign language do you study at school?
b)  Is English very popular?
c)   Is it a language of international value?
d)Do you know English-speaking countries? What are they?
Етап 3.
Повідомлення нової теми.

Прийом 1: Метод здогадки.

T: Today we are going to speak about one of the English-speaking countries.
The national emblem of this country is the maple leaf. Can you guess the country’s name?
P.- Canada.
I’m sure that you have learned a lot about Canada at your geography lesson and from TV programmers. And of course, you’ll also have a chance to expend your knowledge while doing different activities.
Прийом 2.
Перегляд відео.

T: And now, let’s watch a short video about Canada.

T: It was really interesting, isn’t it?
Етап 4 :
Введення нового лексичного матеріалу.

T: Open your books on page 128. Here you can see new words and word combinations.

Let’s read them and translate.

Прийом 1.
Читання вголос.

Прийом 2.

T: Good job! And now open your  copybooks and write down all our new words with their translation.

Етап 5.
Читання тексту.
Прийом 1.
Читання вголос.

T: Here you can see an interesting text about Canada. Be careful, because then we will have some tasks.

    Canada is situated in North America. It is the second biggest country in the world. It’s area is over 9 million square kilometers. The population is 28 million people. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Arctic Ocean in the north, and by the Atlantic Ocean in the east. It borders on the United States in the south.
    There are many rivers in Canada. The largest rivers are: the Mackenzie, the Yukon,  the Frazer, the Columbia, the St. Lawrence, etc. The Mackenzie is the longest river. It flows for 1.600 km into the Arctic Ocean. The Niagara Falls, on the Niagara River between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, are one of the most splendid sights in the world and attract tourists from all continents.
    There are many lakes in Canada too: Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg and the Great Lakes, which Canada shares with the USA.
    There are mountains in Canada. For example, the Rocky Mountains. 44 per cent of the land  is forest.
     The climate of Canada varies from Arctic climate in the north (-50° in winter), to moderate climate in the east and west  (+33° in summer). The north of the country near the Arctic is a cold tundra.
     The most important towns in Canada are Ottawa, the federal capital, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg and Quebec. Toronto is the largest city. It’s population is 3.800 000 people.
     Canada is rich in coal, oil, gas, gold, silver, iron, nickel and other mineral deposits. Machine building, chemical and hydroelectric industries are highly developed. Canada’s agriculture, mostly wheat, cattle, meat, milk and fish, is important too.

Canada is a self – governing federal state and a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England. The cabinet headed by the Prime Minister, who is the leading figure in the political life of the country.
      Canada consists of 10 provinces and 2 territories.
      There are two official languages in Canada – English and French. 
      The national emblem of Canada is the maple leaf and the currency is the Canadian dollar.


Прийом 2.
Переклад тексту.

T: Very good! And now let’s translate it.

Етап 6.
Виконання післятекстових вправ.
Прийом 1.
Відповіді на запитання.

T: And now, answer my questions:
1.    Where is Canada situated?
2.    What are the coasts of Canada washed by?
3.    What is the climate like in Canada?
4.    In Canada many people speak English, because they came from England many years ago, don’t they?
5.    Is Canada an independent federal state?
6.    What are the principal cities in Canada?
7.    What is the capital of Canada?
8.    What is the longest river in Canada?
9.    Who is the head of the state?
10. What is Canada rich in?
11. What is the National emblem of Canada?
12. What is the currency in Canada?

Прийом 2.
Вправа на визначення правильності відповіді.

T: Say if it is true or false:
1.Canada is the largest country in the world.
2.Canada consists of 12 provinces and two territories.
3.The capital of the country is Quebec.
4. The largest city of Canada is Winnipeg.
5.Canada is a member of the Commonwealth.
6.It is headed by the queen of Great Britain.
7.The cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister.
8.The national emblem of Canada is the maple leaf.
9.The currency is the Canadian dollar.

Прийом 3.
Вправа на визначення правильної відповіді.

T: Choose the correct answer in the quiz. (There may be more than one correct answer)
1.The national emblem of Canada is:
a) a rose;         b) a maple leaf;             c) a daffodil.
2. There are … official languages in Canada.
a) two;            b) three;                        c) four.
 3.The national language of Canada is:
 a)French;      b) English;                   c)German.
4.The capital of Canada is:
 a)Montreal;   b) Toronto;                   c)Ottawa
5.Canada is:
a)          the    smallest country in the world;
b)          the    second largest country in the world;
c)       the third largest country in the world.
6.The Canadian head of the state is:
a)the Queen; b)the President; c) Prime Minister.
7.The national currency of Canada is:
a)the American dollar;  b)the Canadian dollar;  c)the Canadian franc.
8.Canada is the world’s largest producer of:                                           a) gold;                         b) oil;                         c) nickel.
9.Canada’s original inhabitants were:
a) Eskimos;               b)Indians;                       c) Ukrainians.
10.The longest river in Canada is:                                                         a)the St. Lawrence;    b)the  Mackenzie;            c)the Yukon;

Етап 5.
Оголошення домашнього завдання.

T: And now, let’s speak about your homework. For the next time  we will continue our topic “Canada” so, you should do Ex a) at page 132-133. Read the text and complete the following memo for responsible travelers.

Етап 7.
Підсумки уроку.
Виставлення оцінок та мотивація оцінок.

T: So, what have we done at the lesson? What new have we learnt? Who was the brightest pupil of this lesson?

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