четвер, 7 квітня 2016 р.

5 клас
Тема: Outdoor activities.
-формувати навички практичного застосування знань;
-формувати навички говоріння та письма;
-розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів;
-удосконалювати техніку читання;
-виховувати бажання з користю проводити вільний час, позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя.
Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, картинки з видами спорту, картки для індивідуальної та групової роботи.

                             ХІД УРОКУ
T. – Good morning, pupils! Glad to see you!
P: - Good morning, teacher. Glad to see you too!
T: What is the weather like today?
P: The weather  is…
T: Who is absent?

2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T. Skating,  swimming, football, volleyball, riding a bike, playing tennis or basketball.
What does it mean? (Pupils’ answers)
T.  You are right. We’ll speak about our outdoor activities. They may be different. During the lesson you will work in groups, exchange interesting information,  read, write,  talk about your interests and hobbies .

3.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Listen and learn the song.

4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
At home you did ex.1 at p.165. Read your sentences about your and your parents` clothes.  

5. Робота з лексикою.
А) Метод « Мозковий штурм».T. During our lesson we shall use a lot of words from different topics but they are  connected with the main theme of our  lesson.  Let`s revise them. Be careful and quick.
Name four:
a) Colours
b) Things of clothes
c) Seasons
e) Days
f) Activities
g) Countries.

В) Вивчення нової лексики та повторення знайомої.
You know and play different kinds of sport.  So, let’s revise them. Now  I want to  show you some pictures and you must give me the definitions of  sport or outdoor activities  which you can see in the pictures.
Учні підбирають відповідні назви з видами діяльності і прикріплюють їх під картинками на дошці.

Пізнавальна хвилинка. Do you know?                                                                                   В США та Великій Британії календарний тиждень починається не з понеділка, як в Україні, а з неділі! Напевно англійці вирішили, що візуально буде приємніше бачити тиждень, який починається з вихідного, а не з робочого дня.
By the way, where do we live? In Turkey, Italy, England, Spain or maybe in China?
 (Pupils’ answers)
T. Of course, in Ukraine. It`s our native country.

6. Розвиток звязного мовлення.
Tell me, please, about your  and your friends hobbies using the word-combinations:                                                                                                                                                 - I am fond of…                                                  My friend is fond of…
-  I am interested in …                                               He/She is interested in…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
-  I am crazy about…                                          He/She is crazy about…
- I don’t like…                                                                    He/She doesn’t like…

7.Хвилинка відпочинку.
Show your favourite activity without any words. The pupils must guess this activity.
Зобрази жестами та мімікою свій улюблений вид діяльності, щоб інші учні могли пізнати й назвати його.

8.Робота в групах. So some activities may be indoors. Others may be outdoors. But some of them may be mixed.
The next task will be: 
  1) the first group must choose only indoor activities;
  2) the second group must choose only outdoor activities;
  3) the third group must choose outdoor and indoor activities.
Група отримує набір слів і відбирає лише необхідні.

to build sand castles                                           to ride a bike

to play snowballs                                                         to gather strawberries

to sleigh                                                              to sunbathe

to gather mushrooms                                          to go skiing

to go camping                                                      to go sailing

to go skating                                                       to go camping
gardening                                                           to go fishing

to go boating                                                      playing football

horse riding                                                        having a picnic

playing the guitar                                                         bowling

surfing the Internet                                              playing computer games

playing chess                                                       playing the guitar

playing the piano                                                         singing songs

playing tennis                                                      playing basketball

to do karate                                                         to go to the cinema

listening to music                                                reading books

to read books

9. Активізація вивченої лексики.                                                                                          T. Our activities may be different. Some people like dancing, others like boating or skating. Boys prefer playing football, but girls like playing with the dolls. All of you like playing computer games. So let`s remember some kinds of activities .          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a) Fill in the letters in the words: go bo..ting, su…fing, fish…, ski…ng, gar…ening, having a pi… ni…, b…wling, hor…e  r…ding, playin… snow…alls.   
b)Гра «The  snake».
Поділити  ”змійку  на окремі слова..                       Musichessgardeningskatingtennisbadminton.

10. Гра-змагання. Назвати якнайбільше спортивних  ігр з мячем.  
Name as many games with a ball as you can.

11. Робота в групах. Work in groups.
The following task will be connected with the verbs:                                         
to play, to do, to go.                                                                                    
Match them with the following kinds of sport.
Swimming, aerobics, chess, football, cards, judo, tennis, climbing.

12.Підведення підсумків.
T: At the lesson you have worked hard. You were very active and creative. I liked your work and your answers. But I want you to answer my questions:                                                                 - Did you like our lesson? Why?
- What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Do you like winter outdoor activities?
- What winter outdoor activities do you know?
-  Do you like summer outdoor activities?           
- What summer outdoor activities do you know?

Your homework is to d0 ex. 3 at p.169 in a written form.       
Оцінювання учнів.
The lesson is over . Thank you very much.                                                                                                 

Fill in the letters in the words:
go  bo..ting,  su…fing,  fishi…g,  ski…ng,  ga…ening,  having a pi… ni…,  b…wling,  hor…e  r…ding,  playin… snow…alls.     

Fill in the letters in the words:
go bo..ting,  su…fing,  fishi…g,  ski…ng,  ga…ening,  having a pi… ni…,  b…wling,  hor…e  r…ding,  playin… snow…alls.     

Fill in the letters in the words:
go bo..ting,  su…fing,  fishi…g,  ski…ng,  ga…ening,  having a pi… ni…,  b…wling,  hor…e  r…ding,  playin… snow…alls.     

Fill in the letters in the words:
go bo..ting,  su…fing,  fishi…g,  ski…ng,  ga…ening,  having a pi… ni…,  b…wling,  hor…e  r…ding,  playin… snow…alls.     

Fill in the letters in the words:
go bo..ting,  su…fing,  fishi…g,  ski…ng,  ga…ening,  having a pi… ni…,  b…wling,  hor…e  r…ding,  playin… snow…alls.     

Fill in the letters in the words:
go bo..ting,  su…fing,  fishi…g,  ski…ng,  ga…ening,  having a pi… ni…,  b…wling,  hor…e  r…ding,  playin… snow…alls.    











Match the verbs with the following kinds of sport.
 to play                         to do                             to go

Swimming,   aerobics,    chess,    football,    cards,    judo,    tennis,    climbing.

Match the verbs with the following kinds of sport.
 to play                         to do                             to go

Swimming,   aerobics,    chess,    football,    cards,    judo,    tennis,    climbing.

Once I caught a fish alive

1.  Bit - вкусила                              
2.  caught - спіймав
3.  finger - палець
4.  let it go - відпускати
At the end of the lesson you will be able to:

-    speak about your outdoor activities,
-    work in groups,
-    exchange interesting information, 
-    read and write the words of the topic, 
-    talk about your interests and hobbies .

playing the guitar                 bowling

surfing the Internet                     playing computer games

playing chess                         playing the guitar

playing the piano                  singing songs

playing tennis                        playing basketball

to do karate                                 to go to the cinema

listening to music                  reading books

to read books

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