вівторок, 17 листопада 2015 р.

                                     5 КЛАС        

І. Тема: Hobby. Leisure time

ІІ. Мета: практична: повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми, активізувати в мовленні учнів лексичні одиниці, продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення, навчати учнів самостійно розповідати про свої захоплення, закріпити вивчений матеріал з теми;
        розвиваюча: розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення,комунікативні здібності;
        виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування та інтерес до корисних захоплень.

ІІІ. Тип уроку: Розвиток діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

ІV. Обладнання: ілюстрації по темі «Hobby», роздатковий матеріал, аудіозапис пісні, класна дошка.

V. Хід уроку

        1. Привітання.
-Good morning, children. I am glad to see you.
Rhyme (всі разом)
        Let us try to be polite
        In everything we do.
        Remember always to say “Please”
        And don’t forget “Thank you”.

2.Повідомлення мети уроку.
        Today we’ll speak about our rest and hobbies, our likes and dislikes. We are going to learn new interesting words, phrases, expressions and we’ll also have a lot of speaking.

3. Введення в іншомовне середовище.
        а) мовленнєва зарядка – лексика по темі (to play, to swim, to paint, to go for a walk, to go fishing, to go in for sports, …)
        б) І ряд – ІІ ряд (ланцюжком)
        в) Rhyme
- Do you like to have a rest?
- Всі разом
                I like to skip,
                 I like to jump,
                 I like to run around.
                 I like to play,
                 I like to swim,
                 I like to smile and shout.

                4. Основна частина

1)   Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

a)   Answer the following questions:
-       When do you have your days off?
-       When do you usually get up at weekends?
-       Where do you usually spend your weekends?
-       What is the best way of spending holidays?
-       What hobby have you got?
-       How long have you had it?
-       Who advised you to have this hobby?
-       How does it help you in your life, study?
-       How much time do you spare for your hobby?
-       What equipment do you use for your hobby?

b)   Make up the dialogues.
The next task is making up the dialogues. Be attentive! I’ll give some pieces of paper and you must put sentences in right order to make up the dialogues.
        Dialogue 1
-       What is your hobby?
-       I collect books published in the 17-th century.
-       It is very interesting! Have you got many in your collection?
-       There are almost eight hundred of them.
-       Quite a number, I should say!

             Dialogue 2
-       What is your favorite pastime?
-       Fishing. I enjoy fishing very much.
-       Do you often go fishing?
-       Yes. I spend a few hours by the river every weekend.
-       Do you usually catch much?
-       Well, it depends.
Dialogue 3
-       How do you usually spend your evenings?
-       I play chess with my father.
-       Well, chess is an interesting game.
-       Yes, what is your favorite pastime?
-       Some friends and I are going karaoke singing.
-       Can I join you?
-       Yes, of course.

Dialogue 4
-       Hi! I’m glad to see you.
-       Why? What’s up?
-       Would you like to go on a hike this weekend?
-       All weekend?
-       Yes, of course.
-       I’m not sure I can be gone all weekend.
-       How about Sunday? We could start early in the morning.

Dialogue 5
-       Hi. Did you have a good weekend?
-       Yes? I did. But I feel tired today.
-       Really? Why?
-       On Saturday I cleaned the house.
-       How about Sunday?
-       I played tennis and hiked in the country.
-       Brilliant!
-       Yes, it was great!

2)   Фізкультхвилинка
Учні за вчителем повторюють рухи під аудіозапис відповідної пісні.

3)   Розвиток монологічного мовлення.

а) 2 – 3 учні розповідають про своє хобі (на дошці опорні фрази: to travel, to collect things, photography, to do things, to be fond of, to play games, to learn things, to do sports, to make new friends).

б) Активізація лексики з використанням інтерактивного методу «Inside-outside circle».
Зовнішнє коло (5 чоловік) відповідає на запитання внутрішнього (теж 5 чоловік) про своє улюблене заняття.
- What kinds of hobby do you know?
- What is your favorite hobby?
- How long have you had your hobby?
- How does your hobby help you in your life?
- What kind of hobby don’t you like?

        5. Заключна частина уроку.

1)   Підсумок уроку:
We have talked much about hobbies. Is it fun to have a hobby?
Now listen to the descriptions of the hobby and name it.

-       This can be an indoor or outdoor activity. You need a ball to play. Are you tall? Do you like jumping? This is good for you!          (volleyball)

-       This is something to do with friends. It is an outdoor activity. Do you like the countryside? Do you like walking? This is a good activity for you.                                                                               (hiking)

-       Some people like to dance. Sometimes they go to special dance clubs or dance at home or go to the disco clubs.                        (dancing)

-       People like listening and singing songs. Some of them can go to special music schools.                                                         (singing)

-       People can travel by car, by plane, by train or on foot. They like to visit different cities, countries. It helps them to learn history, geography, traditions.                                                                 (travelling)

2)   Узагальнення матеріалу, пройденого на уроці.
Our lesson is coming to the end. You worked hard. Today we discussed different hobbies, made dialogues. And now I want to know:
-       What have you learned today?
-       What did you like most today?
-       What was the most difficult?
-       What was the easiest?

3)   Оцінювання.

4)   Домашнє завдання:

Tell about your hobby.

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